Jenny Slate pulls a Mindy, reveals she’s nine months pregnant on live TV

Jenny Slate pulls a Mindy, reveals she’s nine months pregnant on live TV

Turns out, quarantine makes hiding a baby bump pretty easy.
December 11, 2020 8:04 a.m.

As Seth Meyers pointed out last night on Late Night (weekdays at 12:35 a.m. ET on CTV2), it’s been nine months since the first lockdown hit due the COVID-19 global pandemic, and if Mindy Kaling has taught us anything during that time, it’s super easy to hide a quarantine-pregnancy. We’re not seeing anyone from the waist up (thanks for that, Zoom). We’re not leaving the house. All we’re doing is... well... Jenny put it pretty eloquently.

“Let me tell you, on night one of the lockdown, we had a really romantic night of being together, real sweet with my fiancé," she said via video-chat, speaking of her fiancé Ben Shattuck. "And then I did what everyone else did. I kind of hunkered down and baked a lot of bread. But I just want to say I think I might have baked too much bread or eaten too much bread.”

She then stood up to reveal her bump. Spoiler alert: the bump isn’t due to bread, but there DEFINITELY is a bun in the oven.

"It's different. I feel different," she quipped. "Um, how have the exact last nine months been? They've been real pregnant for me."

For a year like 2020, when everything that could go sideways did, the actress and author noted that at least her pregnancy is one joyful and wonderful thing to come out of this year. "It's very nice to have something that's incredibly positive during a time that's hard and sad," she explained. "It's nice to have a little secret treasure.”

Normally, when an actress is pregnant and still working in TV or film, the costume department has to find creative ways to either hide the pregnancy with big bags or long overcoats, or the writers write the pregnancy into the script. For Jenny, she hasn’t had to worry about that since Hollywood basically shut down around the same time she found out she’s expecting. “I've basically been just chilling out, doing exactly what I want to do, not having to see anyone or figure out how to gracefully wear pants. I haven't worn pants in many moons!"

Girl, same.

Jenny and Ben got engaged in September of 2019 on a trip to France, as she detailed in an Instagram post at the time, and have since moved in together in a small town in Massachusetts. But as Jenny tells it, it hasn’t all been idyllic.

“Just my luck, I moved in with my fiancé, and of course he lives in a very old house that is, I think, most certainly haunted and has an actual pet cemetery,” she admitted, noting that she’s pretty sure the animals weren’t murdered. Jenny, is this a chapter in your book Little Weirds? Because we’re feeling a little weird about this.

“At the start of the pandemic, I started to go out and visit the pet cemetery every day. And Ben told me that I started saying things like, ‘I’m just gonna go outside and visit the pets.’”

Well that’s one way for mother and baby to bond. Jenny then joked that that sounds like the beginning of a horror movie. Why yes. Yes it does.

Watch Late Night with Seth Meyers weekdays at 12:35 a.m. ET on CTV2.

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