Guillermo taught Jimmy Kimmel how to paint like Bob Ross and it’s honestly impressive

Guillermo taught Jimmy Kimmel how to paint like Bob Ross and it’s honestly impressive

'Remember, when you paint, you make happy mistakes.'
July 3, 2020 9:42 a.m.
Latest Update July 7, 2020 12:00 a.m.
When the quarantine first forced us all to stay home a few months ago, the inspirational meme making the rounds was about how Shakespeare wrote King Lear while in quarantine during the plague. Months later, most of us have barely finished reading a book, let alone writing a Shakespearean masterpiece. But let Guillermo—Jimmy Kimmel's reliable, tequila-fueled head of security—be your inspo. Like the rest of us, he’s been trying to keep himself busy in lockdown, so this week, he decided to channel his energy into becoming the next Bob Ross as a hobby. Fam, we’re not lying when we say the results are pretty dang remarkable.Donning a patented Bob Ross wig, beard, and Canadian tuxedo (anything less and we don’t want it), Guillermo struggles to follow along with a 40-year-old clip of Ross painting a mountain forest at dusk called “Sunset Aglow.” Swearing up a storm, paint dribbling down the canvas, Guillermo tries his best to follow along with the master. Guillermo fumbling through a new hobby is ALL of us right now.
“So I’m not trying to copy him,” he covers his tracks, “I’m trying to do my own thing. Remember, when you paint, you make happy mistakes.”  That’s a bumper stick for 2020.After taking a shot of tequila, absolutely slaying the art of tree-painting, and struggling to keep up with Ross’s pace, Guillermo finally admits, “This is not relaxing, this is a lot of work.” But when he reveals his finished painting, we can’t lie, it’s honestly really good. Sure, it looks like a surrealist nightmare from the world of Fraggle Rock come to life, but we kind of dig it. And given the side-by-side comparison with Ross, we would take Guillermo’s any day.

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