Girls rule and boys drool on ‘The Challenge: Double Agents’

Partner pays the price for Theresa cashing receipts.
January 28, 2021 10:25 a.m. EST

Last week on The Challenge: Double Agents (Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on MTV), we lost another contestant in Lio who decided to voluntarily exit the game. We also saw Ashley leave the show for a second time after Kam destroyed her in the elimination.

“In The Challenge world, a day is like a year”

Never one to shy away from a cheap shot, Professor Devin assigned an “F” grade to Theresa and Jay for their performance as last week’s double agents. He told us that they had completely screwed themselves by blindsiding a strong team who ended up returning to the house.

When Kyle confronted him about the decision to send him and his partner into The Crater, Jay tried to backpedal and argued that he took a calculated risk that Kyle would be safe, banking on it being a girls’ elimination (which it was). Kyle was having none of it, however, and Leroy also expressed his disappointment by saying that Jay should have at least given him a heads up that his girlfriend would be in the line of fire.

To her credit, Theresa walked into the boys’ room and took ownership of the move. She asked Leroy and Kyle not to blame Jay and that she had been the instigator all along. She also told us that Leroy and Kam should actually be grateful to her for what she did. 

“I mean honestly Leroy?  Kam got her gold skull… get over it,” she said. “Be happy… say ‘thank you Theresa.’”

While Leroy and Kam both warned the house that Theresa and Jay would now be voted in every week until their eventual dismissal, Theresa maintained a level head.

“In The Challenge world, a day is like a year,” she said. “People forget so quick so you just gotta kind of let it chill out.”

The next day, Theresa justified the move again by telling CT that no one really asked her if they were going in, giving her free license to pick whoever she wanted. The juicy detail in this conversation, however, was Theresa now suggesting Darrell as the house vote. CT tells us that Darrell has won every final he has ever been in and has also been victorious in the last four Challenges he competed in. He tells Theresa that if he had a vote, Darrell was who he would be going after. 

Aerial Takedown

For the next competition, TJ explained that five contestants at a time would have to climb aboard awkward cargo netting hanging from a helicopter. After takeoff, the players would have to knock each other off the cargo into the freezing cold water below. The team with the longest cumulative time of staying dry would win and be named the new Double Agents for the week.

Kaycee, Big T, Kam, Aneesa and Nany took part in the first heat. Aneesa was the first to drop, followed by Big T. Kaycee ended up securing the win after successfully eliminating both Kam and Nany.

The next heat invited Kyle, Fessy, Darrell, Nam, and Devin to play. In a truly disappointing affair, the guys chose not to even try to knock each other off and were all consequently disqualified. Hmm. Technically speaking, didn’t this mean they all had the highest score?  They all stayed dry.  Wasn’t that the entire point?

We FINALLY got some drama in the next contest. Prior to Theresa, Amber M, Amber B, Gabby and Lolo taking flight… Theresa started to make overtures that the others should intentionally fall off the netting to give her the win as she was in the most trouble after last week. Theresa could guarantee their safety while also being able to earn it for Jay (whose game she basically destroyed by targeting Kam last week). 

Unfortunately for Theresa, her name wasn’t Mary and while most of her lambs fell into place, there was one sheep who refused to fall in line and throw the challenge. Amber B said that she wanted to protect her partner and struggled to stay alive against Theresa. Ultimately, her efforts proved to be futile as Theresa brought home the must-win victory. 

Pressure was now on Jay in the next heat as he took on Leroy, Mechie, CT and Josh. After Mechie fell, and despite Leroy’s best efforts to knock Jay off… all of the men stayed on, resulting in Jay, Leroy, CT and Josh all being DQ’d again.

TJ Lavin wasn’t impressed as he told the women that they did great while the boys “f----- sucked.”

In the end, only one second separated the winners, Leroy and Kaycee from their closest competition, Theresa and Jay.

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“Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers for”

When the contestants returned to the house, it was time for the fireworks to begin.

Theresa said that she was sick and tired of Amber B playing the nice girl and said that while the former Big Brother contestant was slick, she was much slicker. “I am going to get her so bad,” she mused.

Amber B knew that after weeks of flying under-the-radar, her strong performance had now put a target on her back. She told Nany that she knew Theresa was mad at her for not losing on purpose, but defended her strong showing by saying that she was only looking out for Darrell’s best interests.

At the post-competition drunkfest, Gabby told Theresa that the prevailing feeling in the house was that her strategy to win the competition was not just to protect her and Jay, but to also inherently target Darrell and Amber B.

Theresa had a meeting of the minds with Darrell where the former champion said that he had heard that she was going after him. Theresa decided to “discuss” the rumour with Amber B. And by discuss, we mean Theresa shouting and Amber simply shaking her head quietly.

For his part, Devin seemed surprised that Jay was taking his looming elimination as well as he was. He said that if the roles were reversed, he would be fuming at his partner for ruining his game. He also seemed surprised by Theresa bizarre ability to smile through all the carnage that she had caused and said that she was now the super villain. That’s funny coming from him.

As if on cue that his position as the show’s top bad guy was being threatened, Devin decided to take advantage of Fessy’s terrible performance in the Challenge and started egging him on. He told us that Fessy was a “giant and insecure man,” and that it was the right time to poke the bear. Kyle said that the alliances were clear with him and Devin on one side and Josh and Fessy on the other. That’s why he supported Devin’s plan to wind their adversaries up.

Back at the house, the drunken stupor only continued. Fessy seemed out of sorts and appeared ready to trade blows with his instigator. Eventually Aneesa and Josh seemed to calm him down by taking him outside, but this didn’t deter Devin from continuing to yell “Big Brother sucks!” while also mooning, yes, you read that correctly, mooning his enemy. 

After maintaining a level head for the majority of the episode, Josh just couldn’t pass up an opportunity to throw water at Devin (yes, these are grown men) but inadvertently hit Kyle instead. The result was Kyle getting hot and bothered and another “Dad Advice with CT” moment where the veteran told Kyle not to argue with Josh because he was “a manchild and it’s not worth it.”

The next day, Amber B had a heart to heart with Theresa and Jay, where Theresa revealed that the rumour about Darrell being targeted was actually initiated by CT. 

It was at this precise moment where Jay realized that the truth didn’t matter. For a girl who wanted to cash receipts, Theresa had lost any currency she had after backstabbing Kam last week and that the House would almost certainly believe CT’s version of events over his partner’s.

The Deliberation

At The Deliberation, Devin quickly kicked things off by apologizing to the house for being the cause of things escalating the night before.

Theresa then broke one of the cardinal rules of the game. Namely, to never go against CT. She said that the show’s elder statesman was responsible for the rumour that Darrell was being targeted. Despite being guilty, CT completely denied the accusation. He also took some time to explain his Challenge philosophy.

“You tell everybody what they want to hear and then do whatever you want behind their back because you can’t be held accountable for it,” he said. “Whatever I may or may not have said is not going to matter. I am just going to discredit her word and then fade into the background.”

When Leroy and Kaycee entered the secret room to get the results of the votes, we learn that Devin, Gabby, Cory, Aneesa, Amber B, Darrell, Amber M, Gabby, Big T, CT, Mech, Kam and Kyle all voted for Theresa and Jay to go in. 

Fire Escape

At The Crater, TJ revealed what we all already knew. Jay and Theresa would be going in. The host did, however, have one trick left up his sleeve. He warned the contestants that the drunken events from the night before would not be tolerated and this would be their one and only warning. He also said that winning meant power but to get that power, an effort would always need to be made. As a result, the guys who were disqualified in the competition would have their elimination votes discounted!

Even with the discounted votes, Theresa and Jay still were in peril.

Leroy then decided that it was time to earn his gold skull and volunteered to square off against Jay.

The Fire Escape elimination is one we have seen before but this time it was twice as long and featured three times as many obstacles to get past. It required the contestants to hang from a beam upside down and pull themselves across its length and back.

Leroy told us that he had extra motivation to win because this was his final Challenge. What?!  No more Leroy?!  Who will we count on for the one-liners and inevitable failure before the final next season?

Unfortunately for Survivor Jay, he wasn’t able to survive this time around and was sent packing.

Leroy decided to stay with his partner Kaycee and this meant that Theresa would now be partnered with rogue agent and this season’s kiss of death, Cory (who, for those of you who haven’t been keeping score has lost every teammate he has been paired with). Womp.

Exclusive: Jay’s Take

We had the chance to exclusively catch up with Jay after he was eliminated in last night’s episode.

We asked him if he blamed Theresa for his demise.

Not at all. I voted with my partner and after I have to suffer the consequences for not sharing my information. Lesson learned.

Watch The Challenge: Double Agents Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on MTV.

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