The dedication episode of 'The Voice' was a teary affair

It was basically Sobchella.
November 19, 2019 9:32 a.m. EST
November 19, 2019 9:52 a.m. EST
Monday’s The Voice (Monday and Tuesday at 8 p.m. ET on CTV2) was the annual Dedication episode where contestants pay homage to someone special in their life and make viewers at home cry. That’s it in a nutshell. This time, it was also a Sobchella for coaches and not just Kelly Clarkson. She obviously cried, but she was joined by John Legend and Gwen Stefani. Blake Shelton did not cry on national television, but no one can be sure what happens during commercial breaks.Gwen cried when her contestant Rose Short dedicated her performance of “I Turn To You” to her coach. Kelly cried when Jake Hoot sang “Danny’s Song” for his daughter. Marybeth broke down in tears during her performance of “Go Rest High On That Mountain,” which she dedicated to her late grandfather. Her performance was so powerful that it had her coach John Legend also in tears. Ricky Duran cried while talking about his girlfriend. Will Breman’s mother cried when he dedicated “I Won’t Give Up” to her. It was altogether an emotionally taxing night that thankfully received some balance thanks to performances that featured lighter subject matter. TGFWH. Thank Goodness for Whitney Houston.


Katie Kadan’s performance of Mary J. Blige’s “I’m Going Down” was so powerful, so emotional, so visceral, so incredible that watching it while partnered could make a person wish they were single just to feel the full effect of the heartbreak in Katie’s voice. Carson Daly said that Katie’s performance felt like the finale. Honestly, just give her the trophy now. And a deal with Lenscrafters. Spec game strong.


Ricky Duran has been consistent in his performances throughout the competition, with the Austin singer able to cover just about any genre. On Monday, Ricky found his sweet spot with Ray LaMontage’s “You Are The Best Thing,” which showed off the bluesy, smooth grit in Ricky’s voice that makes him stand out in the competition. Ricky can sing anything, but this is the style that will get him a record deal. John commended Ricky for always carrying himself like an artist and applauded his song choice, while Blake said that one of the best things about Ricky is that people relate to him. Even people at the feed store.


Max Boyle continues to be the dark horse this season and is coming from behind to be one of the frontrunners after being saved from Team Legend by Kelly. Somewhere, Adam Levine is sitting around upset that he didn’t get to coach Max Boyle and his wild falsetto. John said that Max nailed the notes and did it was charisma. Kelly pointed out that Max was smart to dedicate the song to his niece and nephew and get the ‘awwwww’ vote. “Just put ice cream in his hand; he’s your mother’s dream.”


One of the most interesting things about hearing songs performed on The Voice is that the difficultly level of well-known tracks suddenly become clear. Case in point, Myracle Holloway performing Whitney Houston’s “I’m Your Baby Tonight.” When did Whitney breathe? When did Myracle breathe? It appears that she didn’t, but she still somehow got enough air to nail every dip and ad-lib that Houston made famous while still putting her own spin on the hit track. Definitely a miracle.


Blake said that he’s constantly impressed by how connected Will Breman is to every song that he performs and he’s right. Will may not the best singer on The Voice, but he continues to be the most captivating performer to watch.The Voice airs Monday and Tuesday at 8 p.m. ET on CTV2.[video_embed id='1828310']RELATED: John Legend can officially be introduced as an EGOT-SMA[/video_embed]

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