Watch Jason Momoa and James Corden ride motorcycles, shoot arrows together

“I’m Jason Momoa’s side-piece!”
November 7, 2019 10:26 a.m. EST
November 10, 2019 9:29 p.m. EST
When we think of rugged masculinity, there is only one name that comes to mind: Jason Momoa. And when we think of warm, compassionate masculinity, we naturally think of the lovable, goofy host of The Late Late Show (weekdays at 12:37 p.m. ET on CTV), James Corden. Don’t get us wrong, Corden is capable  of much, but few would have pegged him as someone who could ably ride a hog, shoot an arrow on target and then crack an egg with a whip. Thanks to hunky Jason Momoa, he stepped in Wednesday night to give Corden a lesson in being a wild thang.
It all began with two Harley Davidsons and one reluctant talk show host. When Jason asked if James actually knew how to ride a motorcycle, he scoffed “Yeah, bro. Yeah, man, this is just a little different to uh, the hog I’ve got a home,” he gulped before adding, “Hog-wise.” Well at least he’s got the terminology down.“It looks like you stole it from Mad Max!” he complained before Jason came up with the perfect solution: he’ll ride the motorbike and James can ride in the side-car. “Now this is me! Jason Momoa’s side-piece, I absolutely love it.” We have been waiting all our lives to utter such a phrase—we're sure James knows how lucky he is.Donning some Elton John sunglasses and zipping through L.A. at high speeds, they then ditched the bikes so Jason could give James a lesson in archery. “You know who got me in to this? My wife!” Jason admitted, referring to all-around-cool-person, Lisa Bonet. You see, behind every rugged man is a woman who already know how to shoot deadly arrows.After some Hunger Games-like practice where Jason attempted to shoot an arrow through an apple atop James’ head, they moved on to whips. Yes, ACTUAL whips. Believe it or not, that's when things got um, intimate.James struggled to properly handle the whip so Jason wrapped his arms around him to guide him. Momoa may look a bit scary and intimidating, but when he holds you in his arms, you’ll feel safe. We know it. The moment between the two bore a striking resemblance to the infamous clay scene in Ghost. Naturally, they both started singing "Unchained Melody" in unison as their bodies swayed together. So beautiful.The cute, bromantic segment ended with James admitting, “I would quit my job to hang out with you every day!” Same, James. SAME.[video_embed id='1767922']RELATED: Jason Momoa was stuck in a Vancouver elevator for over two hours[/video_embed]

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