The singer, actress and businesswoman is getting back into the music game with "Xanax," and dropped a weird little music video to accompany the throbbing pop track where she gets personal."This video is a compilation of vignettes of life," Lohan wrote when she shared the video on her Instagram. "Family, love, the process of moving forward and letting go of the past. To live and be happy, free of fear. Just to be grateful and open our eyes to our opportunities instead of numbing the mind?."In "Xanax," Lohan opens up about her social anxiety as well as how she feels about the party scene (hint: not good). The video shows multiple shots of Lohan, clips of people skateboarding (perhaps inspired by her
brother Dakota) and closes with a video of a man masked by the female Snapchat filter complaining about someone named Becky. It's . . . a lot.
The track marks Lohan’s return to music for the first time since 2008 and the song was written and recorded with Finnish singer-songwriter Alma, who also contributed to Miley Cyrus’ recent
break-up song "Slide Away." "Xanax" isn't yet available on streaming services, so there’s no telling whether this is the official music video for the song, or just an Instagram-exclusive made for Lohan’s fans, and if we can expect more tracks and a whole album to follow.Either way, we'll take it.