Super fan John Cena is shocked his 'The Suicide Squad' co-star Joel Kinnaman doesn't know anything about BTS

Suicide Squad actor John Cena is known for a lot of things, including his work in the WWE, his former music career, his acting... and of course, being a BTS ARMY.
Cena revealed to Etalk's Chloe Wilde that he just shot a TV spin-off for his Suicide Squad character, Peacemaker, in Vancouver and what was playing in the background? BTS!
“I’m also a big BTS fan. I think Peacemaker needs to ease his way into BTS,” Cena explained before his co-star Joel Kinnaman jumped in and had the audacity to ask, “What’s BTS?”
“Joel, we’re going to talk offline because I’m gonna —,” Cena said before Kinnaman interrupted again and asked what he was missing.
“Ugh, everything? That’s the best way to put that. I’ll fill Joel in later on, on the whole, BTS army. The reason I wanted to fill you in offline is so you don’t possibly, continuously get an enormous community of strong value and voice really agitated with you so we’ll talk a little later,” Cena explained, before adding, “I loved Vancouver though, that was great.”
While James Gunn's Suicide Squad brings back some of our favourite unhinged supervillains like Harley Quinn and Kinnaman's Rick Flag, we also get introduced to Cena's Peacemaker and Canadian actor Nathan Fillion's The Detachable Kid or TDK for short.
Fillion bonded with another new Suicide Squad member Pete Davidson, who plays Blackguard, a comical villain who dies often due to his own stunts.
RELATED: Nathan Fillion really bonded with Pete Davidson on 'Suicide Squad'
"I imagined that Pete Davidson and I would have absolutely nothing in common and that we wouldn't be able to relate in any way. I did that thing where I judged a book by its cover," Fillion admitted.
It took all of four minutes for Fillion to realize he made a mistake in judging the SNL star.
"The guy is just genuine, caring, sweet, he's kind. He's a nice man," Fillion added.