Adam Sandler’s latest role in
Uncut Gems, as a crooked New York City jeweller who takes a huge gamble with his money and his life, is a far cry from his famous romantic comedy roles opposite longtime friend and co-star Drew Barrymore. But that didn’t stop the two from reuniting this week to honour Sandler and his work in the critically acclaimed film. Barrymore was on hand to present Sandler with the Best Actor award at the National Board of Review on Wednesday, and she gave a speech that left the SNL alum choked up.“You are capable of everything, and I have believed in that since before I met you, which is why I met you. I think this moment, honestly, could not be more deserved," Barrymore said via
The Hollywood Reporter. "You deserve the best, you give the best and you are the best. I love you very much, and I'm so happy to be here tonight to give you best actor from the National Board of Review."[video_embed id='-1']RELATED: Adam Sandler still has mad love for 'Billy Madison'[/video_embed]Sandler was visibly moved by his friend, whom he co-starred with in 1998’s The
Wedding Singer, 2004’s
50 First Dates and 2014’s
Blended. “Drew, that was amazing. You were just saying all of that stuff and it was amazing. You just winged it, and I know you thought about it but you were so cool,” said Sandler. “I'm glad we met and I'm glad we did all...and we always make our movies together and I love you, buddy. And I love your kids and I love everything about you.”
Sandler and Barrymore have given fans countless touching and emotional moments on screen, but the pair have also brought their undeniable chemistry and beautiful friendship to several interviews over the years. In 2014, Sandler and Barrymore performed “Every 10 Years” on
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, a song they wrote about starring in films together, you guessed it, every ten years. Sandler ended the song by singing a line from the pair’s film
The Wedding Singer, which caused Barrymore to break down in tears. In all fairness, she was very pregnant at the time, but she probably would have cried anyways, because we did as well.
Barrymore was back on
The Tonight Show later that year and received a surprised visit from Sandler, who helped Drew promote the pair’s latest film
Blended, which was made 10 years after
50 First Dates. See above.
As for whether there’s ever any jealously about the pair’s friendship from Sandler’s wife Jackie, the comedian set the record straight on
The Ellen DeGeneres Show, revealing that his wife loves Drew so much that she gets upset if her husband isn’t being romantic enough on screen.
Sandler and Barrymore still have another four years before they hit the decade mark and need to make another film together, but Drew says the pair are already talking about their next project. While appearing on
Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen, Barrymore revealed “Adam and I text all the time about our next thing, and we're like, ‘We're so fat. We're so old. What the f—k,’” adding “Like, literally, the last thing I suggested to him was like ‘On Golden Pond question mark.'" We’d watch that.
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