Kanye West’s high school artwork ends up on Antiques Roadshow

Kanye can paint!
April 2, 2020 12:12 p.m. EST
April 4, 2020 12:00 a.m. EST
File this one under: ‘Two things we never dreamed would intersect.’ Those things would be the long-running television series Antiques Roadshow and rapper/fashion designer/MAGA hat-wearer Kanye West. We are truly living in amazing times.The show, which has been running on PBS for nearly 25 years, is known for its hosts’ uncanny ability to price rare and obscure objects unearthed from the closets, attics, and storage lockers of everyday Americans. As it turns out, sometimes these everyday Americans are adjacent to super-famous Americans like Kanye. On a recently aired episode of the show, an exhibitor married to one of the multi-talented rapper’s cousins offered up a particularly interesting collection for appraisal: Kanye’s high school art portfolio.“My husband is Kanye West’s first cousin,” explained the exhibitor. "When Kanye’s mother passed away in 2007, my husband received them as part of the estate about a year after she passed."The artwork captured the attention of the show’s appraiser, Laura Woolley, who said: “I think what really attracted me to these pieces is that a lot of people are probably not aware of how talented he is as an artist outside of his music career. I think these pieces demonstrate an extraordinary facility as an artist.” Woolley priced the pieces individually. The largest one, she said, could go for up to $8,000 while some of the smaller pieces could be worth between $2,000 and $7,000. Altogether, the portfolio might be worth as much as $23,000. Not bad for a highschooler who was pricing his work at around $10 back when he was making it.[video_embed id='1926943']RELATED: *That* full phone call between Kanye and Taylor has been released and paints different picture[/video_embed]But it isn’t just the skill and imagination that Kanye shows in his early work that goes into determining the current value. “It’s an interesting thing when you look at art that is done by a celebrity,” explained Wooley, “because a good portion of the value of that artwork can actually depend on something I call the enduring legacy of the celebrity. We see the values kind of rise and fall along with the popularity of the celebrity.”“Despite the fact that some people might say that he’s a controversial figure with his opinions and his career,” she continued, “I don’t think anyone can deny the fact that he has extraordinary talent and I think that in time I would expect these to continue to appreciate. To have early pieces like this from someone who really will be an important cultural figure of our time I think is really fantastic.”[video_embed id='1871134']RELATED: Martha Stewart is a Kanye West fan[/video_embed]

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