Jason Momoa just proved he’s the nicest guy in Hollywood

Jason Momoa just proved he’s the nicest guy in Hollywood

Our stars and moon.
January 21, 2020 9:23 a.m.
Latest Update January 23, 2020 11:00 p.m.
He led the bravest of the Dothraki, he rode waves in the DC Comics universe, and he proved that shirts are optional at awards shows. Yet Jason Momoa remains one of the nicest guys in Hollywood, and we have proof.On Monday the Aquaman and Game of Thrones star shed his tough-guy image (or as tough as one can get while sporting a scrunchie) by visiting a children’s hospital in Pittsburgh, where he’s currently shooting and producing the upcoming thriller Sweet Girl alongside Marisa Tomei. The star visited the UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, where he posed for photos with kids and their families and helped spread some of that superhero cheer. Vinnie Chase, take note.
This isn’t the first time Momoa has brightened a kid’s day either. He’s been working with the Make-A-Wish foundation since last summer, when he spent a day with young fans battling life-threatening illnesses. Like a good social media Samaritan, he shared his experiences on Instagram and said that he will continue to “do this for life.”
Turns out he wasn’t kidding, because not only did Momoa make good on his vow on Monday by visiting that hospital, he also invited at least one of the kids he met to the set of Aquaman 2 when it begins shooting later this year.
“The greatest part of being Aquaman is making children happy,” Momoa wrote in an Instagram post. “Met so many brave strong babies all my aloha to the families. Me and Joshua bet that if he beat me in arm-wrestling he gets to have my trident. See you on-set of Aquaman 2 Joshua. Stay strong.”Sounds like Joshua won that arm-wrestling match. In related news, our hearts are Aquaman-sized puddles of goo right about now.
No word on whether Canada will see some of Momoa’s sweet volunteer skills anytime soon, but we have hope. The 40-year-old is returning to his Frontier stomping grounds in February to film his new Apple TV series, See. The St. Thomas, Ontario shoot—which takes place entirely outdoors—is expected to last until July. And knowing our Canadian winters, he’ll have to step indoors to warm up eventually. And what better way than with a group of inspiring kids? Sorry Tom Hanks and Steve Carell, but Momoa may have just claimed the title of Nicest Guy in Hollywood.

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