Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds are attacking each other…again

Hugh Jackman hijacked Reynolds’ latest movie poster and the results are amazing.
December 11, 2019 3:06 p.m. EST
December 14, 2019 11:00 p.m. EST
Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds are continuing to prove that the best friendships are ones where you can laugh at yourself and the other person. But mostly the other person. The longtime friends are continuing their efforts to lovingly embarrass one another on social media while promoting their latest projects. As far as marketing goes, it’s genius.The pair’s latest ‘feud’ is over the movie poster for Reynolds' upcoming film Free Guy, where Reynolds plays a background character in a video game who decides to stop following his script and become the hero. A fan replaced Reynolds face in the poster with Jackman’s and even edited the coffee mug to show Jackman’s Laughing Man brand of coffee. Now that’s some serious attention to detail. Jackman shared the image on his Instagram, crediting the fan and captioning the photo “A small edit to make this a much better promotional tool.” Reynolds was quick to respond, simply asking “What the sh**?!?”
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A small edit to make this a much better promotional tool. Thank you @karthik_nj #repost

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Reynolds got his revenge quickly, with the Canadian actor appearing on the Today Show in Jackman’s native Australia earlier this week. Reynolds was supposed to be promoting his new Michael Bay action film Six Underground, but when the topic of conversation turned to one of the country’s most beloved actors and philanthropists, Reynolds took the opportunity to set the record straight. “Oh, he’s just an evil person. I mean, you’ve guys have all been duped,” joked Reynolds. “You think that he’s this benevolent, ambassador to your country, but people don’t realize he’s from Winnipeg, Canada.”The men’s latest war of words (and photoshop) proves that their recent truce, which included filming ads for each other’s companies, was not the peace treaty it appeared to be. Of course, it’s the fans who benefit from this ongoing rivalry.
In October, Hugh Jackman was on stage performing his The Man. The Music. The Show. Tour when he finished a song and joked to the audience, “Let’s see Ryan Reynolds do that.” Hugh quickly asked fans to not post the video, saying “I’m going to have three million tweets from him in the next ten seconds.” Instead of tweets, Reynolds kept things succinct and sent Jackman a loving video of himself singing happy birthday to the Australian actor. Then he called Jackman an asshole and pointed out that he hasn’t been professionally trained. Is there a Tony Award for Best Burn?
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At first I thought - Ugh, now I have to actually apologize. But then ...

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Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds first worked together back in 2009 on the film X-Men Origins: Wolverine, where Reynolds first played his Deadpool character Wade Wilson. The pair have remained close ever since, with both men expressing their love and admiration for one another in the best way they know how – by continually posting really means things about the other person.
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I’ve launched a thorough investigation as to how this contraband infiltrated my crew. #Dan #Dave

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