Casey Wilson calls out Tim Allen’s on-set behaviour, calling him a 'b***h'

Casey Wilson calls out Tim Allen’s on-set behaviour, calling him a 'b***h'

“It was the truly single worst experience I’ve ever had with a co-star ever,” she said
December 7, 2023 11:41 a.m.
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For years, The Late Late Show’s James Corden would dare his guests to reveal the worst person they’ve ever worked with in Hollywood during his “Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts” game. Unfortunately, most celebs chose to eat pickled pigs' feet rather than reveal all the bad actors out there. But finally! A hero has emerged from the ashes! The Chosen One who speaks truth to power and calls it as she sees it. 

Casey Wilson, who spoke no-holds-barred concerning her time filming the Disney + TV series The Santa Clause with Tim Allen. According to her, he was an absolute nightmare to work with. So much so, that she called him a witch with a capital B.

The Happy Endings star chatted on a recent episode of her “Bitch Sesh” podcast about her time filming the pilot for the Christmas-themed show and had this to say about the Home Improvement star.

“Tim Allen was such a b***h. It was the truly single worst experience I’ve ever had with a co-star ever.”

She explained the scenario: “So I’m in a scene. It’s just me and Tim Allen and I’m supposed to throw things at him.  I think he’s a burglar. So he’s coming down the chimney, obviously as Santa, and I am woken up thinking there’s an intruder, basically like a home invasion scene. So I’m throwing things at him. [He] goes over to the producer who is standing four feet from me and goes, and I hear him, he goes, ‘You gotta tell her to stop stepping on my lines.’ The producer turns to me with horror on his face and has to walk one foot to me and he goes, ‘Um, Tim would ask that you stop stepping on his lines.’”

She goes on to explain that everyone was “walking on eggshells” around him, and then, “When he was done, he was so f**king rude. Never made eye contact, never said anything. It was so uncomfortable.”

He also left the set rather unceremoniously.

“It’s the end, and Tim Allen goes, ‘Leaving!’ takes his Santa cape, picks it up and drops it on the floor and walks out,” she continued. “And they hustle in his stand-in — lovely man, who actually was much nicer to act against. People are scurrying to pick up his velvet Santa coat. He’s a b***h.”

She then alleged that a crew member tried to reassure her she was seeing Allen “on a good day.”

Guess Allen will be getting a lump of coal from Wilson this Christmas.

At press time Tim Allen hasn’t released a public statement on the matter, but social media very much has.

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