Tom Hollander accidentally received Tom Holland’s Avengers bonus

“It was an astonishing amount of money!”
January 25, 2024 11:57 a.m. EST
Multi-Pic HERO Pics - Elise - TheHollands

Tom Hollander has been in some of your favourite movies of the past 20 years, including his iconic turn as Mr. Collins in Pride And Prejudice alongside Keira Knightley. “What excellent boiled potatoes,” is his most famous line from that flick, and fans say it to him all the time. But it turns out he is also confronted by fans, and even movie studios alike, when he is confused for another famous British actor – we suspect you’ve heard of him – Tom Holland.

Yes, the Spider-Man star and Zendaya’s main squeeze may be several years younger than Tom Hollander, but due to the similarities in their names, Hollander claims he once accidentally received Holland’s bonus from his role in The Avengers, and it was no mean sum.

“It was an astonishing amount of money,” he told Seth Meyers during his appearance on Late Night this week. “It was not his salary, it was his first box office bonus. Not the whole box office, the first one.


“It was more money than I’ve ever seen, it was a seven-figure sum.”


In explaining the mix-up, Hollander spoke about how the similarity in their names often causes confusion, but he jokes that being the elder, he should have achieved that cheque fair and square. “It’s been very difficult, because you know I was here first but he’s enormously famous,” he said. “I don’t actually get mistaken for him, but in nonvisual contexts, I get mistaken for him all the time.”


“He was 20, so my feeling of smugness disappeared very quickly.”


The White Lotus star explained how the mix-up could have happened. “People in the accounts department of my agency got confused. We were with the same agency, briefly.” He went on to say that children are often disappointed when they hear he’s about to appear because of the confusion between their names.

It does seem like Tom Holland might be living the good life with his youth, his career, and his relationship with Zendaya which seems to still be going strong. Although recently there was some speculation when the Euphoria star unfollowed everyone on social media, including Holland, per Teen Vogue, prompting Holland to clear up any break up rumours.

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