Hailey Bieber opens up about why she left Twitter

The supermodel is helping educate others on the dangers of social media.
April 1, 2021 10:42 a.m. EST
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Hailey Bieber is the latest celebrity to launch her own YouTube channel and in her latest episode, the supermodel is using her platform to educate viewers about the dangers of social media. Speaking about her own experiences, Bieber said that the rampant bullying online and trend towards body comparison eventually forced her to leave Twitter.

Uploading part one on her “Truth about mental health and social media” episode on March 31, Bieber interviewed psychiatrist Dr. Jessica Clemons, who gave her medical opinion on the damage that can be caused by social media, especially on young women. Clemons cited several studies that have found an increase in depression among teen girls on social media who have experienced bullying and body comparison, two aspects of being online that Bieber says pushed her to finally delete Twitter.

Noting a massive increase in attention following her 2018 wedding to husband Justin Bieber, Hailey says that her struggle with her mental health intensified. "I think one of the biggest things I struggled with for sure was the comparison aspect of body comparison and looks comparison and behavior comparison," said Bieber. "I think when you're going through a situation where you just have so many people hounding you with the same thing over and over and over again, it starts to mess with your mind and then you start to question everything and you're like, 'Is there something that I'm not seeing that they see? Maybe they’re right.' It got to such a low point that I thought, ‘Maybe I’m delusional.’”

The supermodel eventually reached a point where she decided to impose boundaries in hopes of regaining confidence, including limiting her Instagram usage to weekends only. These boundaries also included deleting Twitter. "I don't even have a Twitter anymore because there was never really a time where I would go on there and it didn't feel like it was a very toxic environment," said Bieber. "The thought of even opening the app gives me such bad anxiety that I feel like I'm gonna throw up."

Bieber said that in addition to deleting Twitter and limiting her Instagram use to weekends, she also turned off comments for anyone she doesn’t follow, something she recommends others do as well. “When I look at my comments now when I put up a photo or video or anything, I know it’s only going to be people that I know are positive and only going to be encouraging and uplifting.”

The 24-year-old also credited therapy with helping her move away from the negativity that can be caused by social media. “Having somebody to be that outside person to help me dissect the real world, and be like ‘Okay, you’re talking about something that really only exists in your screen.’”

Bieber’s pop star husband also received some praise from his wife for helping her navigate social media. "I really have to give him credit for it because he's been doing this so much longer at this really massive level," said Bieber.

Bieber and Clemons touched on some of the positives of social media, including connecting with people that users otherwise would never have met, but noted that in terms of celebrity, there’s often the idea that there’s not a real person at the other end of the screen.

"I want everyone to like me, it's like my downfall at time and I'm working through it," said Bieber. "I think one thing I've had to come to the conclusion of is trying not to feel like I owe anybody an explanation or owe anybody anything, and really just try to correct what I need to correct personally and behind closed doors and do the work."

Bieber launched her new YouTube channel in March and so far has covered her skincare routine, interviewed her stylist, and spent an episode sharing a drink with friend and fellow model Kendall Jenner.

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