Trump brings rapper Lil Pump on stage at rally, calls him 'Little Pimp'
Lil Pump didn’t really seem to care.
November 3, 2020 12:15 p.m.
Latest Update November 4, 2020 11:00 p.m.

“Does everyone know who he is? Do you know how big he is?” Trump asked the crowd before letting his guest—who clearly didn’t mind the gaff—speak. “Hello everybody, how y’all feeling?” Lil Pump said from the stage while sporting a MAGA hat. “I’ve come here to say, Mr. President, I appreciate everything you’ve done for our country. You brought the troops home and you’re doing the right thing. MAGA 20-20-20. Don’t forget that! Don’t forget that. And do not vote for Sleepy Joe at all!”Lil Pump is one of several rappers who have recently voiced support for Donald Trump in the days leading up to the November 3 election. Last month Ice Cube stepped up for the current president after Trump agreed to speak with the rapper about his social and political initiative, Contract with Black America, while Joe Biden’s team asked to wait until after the election. A short while later Lil Wayne also started spouting support for Trump after what he called a “great meeting” between the two.Trump invites Lil’ Pump to the stage after mistakenly calling him “Little Pimp.”
— The Recount (@therecount) November 3, 2020
“It’s weird that I have to tell politicians rappers are not Black leaders. They’re just rappers. Stop negotiating with them. They only do this with Black people. I never saw a candidate talking to Gilbert Gottfried about what to do in Israel. That would be insulting, right?” Che continued. “I love Ice Cube, but you know how many jobs he has on top of negotiating for Black people? You know why Malcolm [X] and Martin [Luther King Jr.] were such great leaders? Because they weren’t also working on Barbershop 4.”The U.S. presidential election goes down November 3. However because of a record-number of mail-in votes and other traditional (and non-traditional) delays, the official results of who America’s next leader is could take weeks to figure out. In the meantime, queue up those playlists accordingly.The last Weekend Update before the election!
— Saturday Night Live - SNL (@nbcsnl) November 1, 2020